Using the Patient Window

Accessing the Patient Window

Click Patients from the main toolbar, and select the patient from the Patient Search window. The Patient window is displayed.

Viewing Patient Information

The global banner at the top of the window is a static area that displays important patient information, regardless of what functions are being performed for the patient:

Access the following functions from links on the right side of the banner:

Schedule Snapshot

Click Schedule Snapshot to get a quick view of the day's schedule by day (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow), provider, and location.

Use the filters to narrow the view by appointment type, and click Apply.

The appointments matching the criteria are displayed.


Click HIPAA for a quick view of the patient's HIPAA status and contact preferences.  The preferences are entered and edited from the Patient Data Entry window.


Click Alerts to display the Alerts window for the patient.

For more information, see Patient Alerts.

Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

Click EMR to display the EMR window. This contains information and links related to the patient's chart, medical history, procedures, and treatment, as well as associated notes, forms, functions, and attachments.

For more information, see Electronic Medical Records (EMR).


Click Workspace to access financial and administrative features and functions. The patient's last payment and statement are displayed along with the patient's balance due and pending insurance amounts.

Use the tabs at the bottom to access the Ledger, Claims, Statement History, and other related functions.

For more information, see Workspace.


There are several ways to access functions and perform tasks.

Global Buttons

Global Buttons enable you to perform specific functions from anywhere in the Patient Workspace window.

Use these buttons to add charges, enter payments or adjustments, access the OMS Imaging software, check the patient out, scan an image, attach an image or document, or minimize the record to the patient dock.

Right-Click Menus

Use the menus that pop up when you click the right button of your mouse.

The Global right-click menu is displayed when you right-click in the Patient Demographics section at the top of the window.

Cursor for Global Menu A menu icon is added to your cursor to indicate you can click here to access the Global menu.

Other right-click menus are displayed on the feature tabs when you select an item, such as a claim, and right-click your mouse. These menus relate specifically to the tab or selected item, while global right-click functions are available regardless of which tab you are using.

If you do not see a button for the function you want to perform, check the right-click menu options.

Alert Icons

In addition to selecting the Alert tab, you can click the Alert icons displayed in the Patient Demographics section to access the list of patient alerts.


Click the appropriately-labeled buttons on the feature tabs to perform various functions. If the button you want to use is not active, try selecting an item from the tab or list first.

Drop-Down Lists

Whenever you see a small downward arrow at the end of a field, such as a Date or Type field, you can use the arrow to select the appropriate item.


Related Topics

Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

Using the Workspace Tab

Customizing Workspace Preferences

Docking Patients

Patient Alerts

Medical History Data

Contact Notes

Patient Charges

Patient Claims

Visit Information for Patients

Pre-Treatment Estimates

Using the Document/Image Window

Printing Individual Statements

Using and Printing Chart Labels

Using the Attachments Tabs

Treatment Plans

Patient Images


Entering Payments, Adjustments, and Insurance Denials

Working with the Ledger