Entering Multiple Practice Addresses

A pick list enables you to maintain multiple locations for your practice. You can also associate each location address with specific functions, such as treating, billing, deposit slips, and so forth. These associations are used in the following places in the software:

To enter additional locations for your practice:

  1. Select Lists > Locations. The Locations window is displayed.

  2. Use the Locations window to add, edit, and remove addresses in your practice.

To configure the addresses for specific functions:

  1. Select File > Preferences > Address Configuration. The Address Configuration window is displayed.

  2. For each item in the list, use the drop-down list to select the office location address to associate with that function.

  3. Click OK.

  4. You can also click Locations to access the Locations window from this one.


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Using the Configuration Utility

Setting the General Configuration Options

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Configuring Miscellaneous Settings

Configuring Practice Central Preferences

Setting Up Treatment Classes

Setting Up Appointment Books

Configuring Documents for Printing

Enabling the Service Tax

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