Enabling the Service Tax

PracticeWorks provides a service tax feature that is disabled by default. You can enable it for your practice if your state implements an additional tax on services.

To enable the service tax and enter or change the percentage of the tax:

  1. Select File > Preferences > Other office information. The Other Information window is displayed.

  2. Click Service Tax Settings. The Service Tax window is displayed.

  3. Select the Enable Service Tax option and type the applicable Tax Percentage. The percentage must be at least 0.009.

  4. Click OK.


The Security Access level for enabling the service tax is 10, but can be changed by the administrator. This event is always recorded in the Audit Log.

Transaction codes

The following system-defined transaction codes support the service tax:

Because these codes are system-defined, you can only edit certain aspects of a service tax code, such as abbreviation, description, comments, posting AutoLinks, and auto-adjustment on/off.


The Employer/Plan Definition window contains an Exempt from service tax option. This option is unchecked by default, but you can select it for an Employer/Plan that does not accept service tax charges.

Ledger interaction

The service tax is added as an automatic adjustment code, and it cannot be manually added to a patient's ledger; it is automatically calculated based on the procedures in the checkout ledger. As a new procedure is added to the ledger, the service is recalculated by first removing any previous service tax entry, and then calculating the tax for all procedures to which the service tax applies. After all the posted procedures have been processed, the running total is rounded to the nearest cent and added to the ledger as a service tax.

Three categories of service tax (ST) can be displayed on the patient’s ledger:

All service tax codes submittable to insurance are displayed in the patient’s ledger marked as “Waiting to submit for primary insurance.” Service tax codes that go directly to the patient's account are displayed in the ledger as “Account” and are not marked as submitting to insurance.

Insurance claims: Paper and eClaims

Beginning with the implementation of the 2014 CDT codes, the service tax is printed as a line item on all claim forms, using the CDT code D9985.

Insurance claims: Service tax support

This feature is not available for all payors. Contact electronic services support for more information.


The service tax is reflected in the following reports:

Patient’s printed ledger

Service tax charges on the ledger printout are displayed in the Net Adj column at the bottom of the printout.

When the Show all transactions option is selected, or when the Show transactions for the patient option is selected, all service tax transactions are included on the ledger printout.

When the ledger is filtered for a specific patient, and the Include procedures only option is selected, no service tax transactions are included.


The service tax is itemized on the patient’s walk-out and billing statements.



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