Setting Up Treatment Classes

Use the configuration utility to modify and add treatment classes for your practice. Treatment classes are a way of sorting your ADA codes and your appointment types into groups for purposes of reporting, scheduling, and treatment plan management.

The ADA has broken treatment codes down into the following categories:

You might want different codes in your practice. PracticeWorks enables you to set up your own categories, or classes.

Whenever you schedule an appointment, determine the associated treatment class for the appointment. Some examples of treatment classes you can use for scheduling purposes are: Filling, Crown prep, Bridge prep, Root canal, Crown/bridge delivery, New patient, Recall, Impression, Try-in, Surgical extraction, Non-surgical extraction, and so on.

You can select specific treatment classes to limit the kinds of appointments to search for when filling an opening in your appointment book. The system can search for both

Sooner if possible appointments and Pending page appointments.

You can also lump procedures together by a few general descriptions of the kinds of appointments you do, such as: High Production, No Charge, or Fillers.


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Breaking Down ADA Codes

Entering Treatment Classes