Using the Statistics Button

The statistics function displays data from your schedule, which helps you analyze the scheduling trends and productivity in your office. You can access schedule statistics from the Schedule Appointment calendar or from the View, Zoom, or Week views.

To view scheduling statistics for a particular day:

  1. From the Schedule Appointment calendar or one of the schedule views, click the day in the week, month, or quarter for which you would like to view statistics. The View window is displayed.

  2. Click Stats. The Schedule Statistics window is displayed.

  3. Select from the options at the bottom of the window (Time Period, Breakdown, and Options) to change the parameters of the statistics displayed on the screen.

  4. Click Refresh after selecting an option to display the graph with new parameters.

  5. Click Graph Type to toggle between a bar graph, line graph, and pie graphs. Select from the following options.

  6. Click Close to close the Schedule Statistics for window.


Related Topics

Using the Schedule Appointment Calendar

Searching for Appointments

Scheduling in View Mode

Scheduling in Zoom Mode

Scheduling Sibling Appointments

Scheduling a Patient Appointment from Another Patient's Chart

Scheduling Recalls

Schedule Views

Viewing the Schedule -- Week

Viewing the Schedule -- View

Viewing the Schedule -- Zoom

Using the Statistics Button