Scheduling a Patient Appointment from Another Patient's Chart

If necessary, you can schedule an appointment from within another patient's chart.

To schedule an appointment for another patient without opening that patient's chart:

  1. From the patient's chart, select Functions > Schedule Appointment. The Appointment summary view is displayed.

  2. Click Schedule Appointment. The View Schedule window is displayed.

  3. Schedule an appointment for the first patient. For more information, see Scheduling Appointments from the Patient Chart.

  4. While still in the schedule window in the patient chart, click the appointment type or chair you need to schedule. The Appointment Details window is displayed.

  5. Click Patient. The OrthoTrac Patient Lookup window is displayed.

  6. Select the patient for whom you are making an appointment and click OK. The name of the second patient is displayed in the Appointment Details window, along with the appointment type you selected.

  7. Click OK to schedule the appointment.


Related Topics

Using the Schedule Appointment Calendar

Searching for Appointments

Scheduling in View Mode

Scheduling in Zoom Mode

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Scheduling Recalls

Using the Statistics Button

Schedule Views

Viewing the Schedule -- Week

Viewing the Schedule -- View

Viewing the Schedule -- Zoom

Viewing Archived Schedule Days