Viewing the Schedule -- Week

Version 15.1 of the OrthoTrac software improves the scheduling workflow. This new interface offers improved readability for each appointment block in the Week view.


To use the Week view:

  1. In the Schedule Appointment calendar, select a date and click a provider's name. The View window is displayed.

  2. Click Week. This view shows the current appointments on all days in a week and enables you to adjust your scheduling.

  3. Click on a day to select it.

The classic mode of the Week view uses the following symbols:

Hold your mouse button down on a scheduled appointment (smiley face) to display a small window with the patient’s name, appointment type and time, the number of units, and appointment length.

  1. Use the buttons at the bottom of the Week View window to see more information about the schedule.

  1. Click the reserved time or open time in which you want to schedule a patient and click Zoom. The Zoom mode is displayed with that time visible.

  2. Click the appointment type you want to schedule. The Appointment Details window is displayed.

  3. When viewing a week that has already passed, no-show appointments and completed appointments are view-only and are displayed in gray. Completed appointments display with a smiley face icon, and no-show appointments display a frown icon. Appointments in the past are also displayed in gray.


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Viewing the Schedule

Viewing the Schedule -- View

Viewing the Schedule -- Zoom

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