Scheduling Appointments from the Patient Chart

The Appointment Summary window contains information about a patient’s past, current, and future appointments. The window defaults to currently scheduled appointments, which are displayed in the window at the center. Details of the appointment, such as Day, Date, Time, Chair, Type, Units, Office, Doctor, and Clerk are displayed. Use the scroll bar to view earlier or later appointments in a category.

Medical alerts or general comments that were entered in the Patient Information window display here as well but cannot be edited from this window.

The fields in the appointment history section show the number of appointments for this patient that are recorded as Scheduled, Completed, Changed, Cancelled, No Show, and Recalls. Click one of the option buttons next to these fields to change the type of appointments for which information is displayed.

To access more information about a patient’s scheduled appointments, use the following buttons: Confirm Appt, View Day, Change Comment, and Procedures.

To schedule an appointment from a patient's chart:

  1. From the main menu, select Functions > Patient Chart > Open Chart. The OrthoTrac Patient Lookup is displayed.

  2. To view a list of appointments for the selected patient, click Appts. The Appointments window is displayed.

  1. Select the patient and click OK. The Chart window is displayed.

  1. Select Functions > Schedule Appointment. The Appointment summary view is displayed.

  1. Click Schedule Appointment. The View Schedule window is displayed.

  2. For practices with multiple locations, select the offices you want to display from the Schedule Offices standard.

  3. Select the doctors who are available to see the patient from the Schedule Doctors standard.

  4. To include all available appointment times in your search, skip to step #8. Otherwise, select one of the following time intervals from the Find Appointments standard:

  5. 4w

  6. 6w

  7. 8w

  8. 10w

  1. Select an appointment type or procedure code from the Find Appointments standard. A list of available appointment times is displayed.

  2. To refine your selections, click Edit Settings. The Searching for window is displayed.

  3. Select from the following fields:

  4. Search these dates

  5. Between these times

  6. On these days

  7. In these chairs

  8. Search open slots

Click Start Searching. A list of available times is displayed based on the criteria.

  1. Click an appointment time. The selected appointment information is displayed, including the patient name, the date, time, chair, type, time units, and any associated comments. From this window you can:

  2. Select the color of the appointment

  3. Select the procedures associated with this appointment

  4. Access the OrthoTrac Patient Lookup window

  5. View sibling appointments

  1. Click OK. The appointment is scheduled.

  2. You can also access the schedule calendar by selecting Functions > Schedule Appointment from the main menu.


Related Topics

Confirming Appointments

View Day

Changing Appointment Comments

Viewing and Editing Procedures

Using the Schedule Appointment Calendar

Adding Schedule Messages

Editing Schedule Messages

Deleting Schedule Messages

Including Messages on Schedule Printouts

Cancelling an Appointment

Changing an Appointment

Viewing Patient Information

Viewing Sibling Appointments

Viewing Charting Information