Scheduling in View Mode

You can schedule a patient appointment in either the View or Zoom modes.

To schedule an appointment in View Day mode from the patient chart:

  1. From the patient's chart, select Functions > Schedule Appointment. The Appointment summary view is displayed.

  2. Click Schedule Appointment. The View Schedule window is displayed.

  3. Click the name of a doctor on the desired date. The View mode is displayed.

  4. To view statistical information about the selected day, double-click the name of the desired doctor on the desired date and then select View Day.

The following buttons are available on the bottom bar:

  1. Click an appointment block. The appointment information is displayed, including the patient name, date, time, chair, type, time units, and any comments. From this window, you can:

  2. Select the color of the appointment

  3. Select the procedures associated with this appointment

  4. Access the OrthoTrac Patient Lookup window

  5. View sibling appointments

  1. Click OK to finish scheduling this appointment. If the appointment time was blocked, the software prompts you to override the blocked time. Click Yes.

  2. You must have Override Preblock security permission to override blocked time.

  1. Click Close. The patient's chart is displayed.


Related Topics

Using the Schedule Appointment Calendar

Searching for Appointments

Scheduling in Zoom Mode

Scheduling Sibling Appointments

Scheduling a Patient Appointment from Another Patient's Chart

Scheduling Recalls

Using the Statistics Button

Schedule Views

Viewing the Schedule -- Week

Viewing the Schedule -- View

Viewing the Schedule -- Zoom

Viewing Archived Schedule Days