Searching for Appointments

The Find Appointment function in the Schedule Appointment calendar enables you to quickly locate available appointments.

To search for an appointment from a patient's chart:

  1. From the patient's chart, select Functions > Schedule Appointment. The Appointment summary view is displayed.

  1. Click Schedule Appointment. The View Schedule window is displayed.

  1. For practices with multiple locations, select the offices you want to display from the Schedule Offices standard.

  2. Select the doctors who are available to see the patient from the Schedule Doctors standard.

  3. In the Charting Detail standard, confirm the type of appointment for which to search, and click Find Appointment. A list of available times is displayed based on the criteria.

  1. Click an appointment time. The selected appointment information is displayed, including the patient name, the date, time, chair, type, time units, and any associated comments. From this window you can:

  2. Select the color of the appointment

  3. Select the procedures associated with this appointment

  4. Access the OrthoTrac Patient Lookup window

  5. View sibling appointments

  1. Click OK. The appointment is scheduled and the patient chart is displayed.

For more information on how to search for an appointment, see Scheduling Appointments from the Patient Chart.


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Scheduling in Zoom Mode

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Viewing the Schedule -- Zoom

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