Setting Up the Light Bar

The sections on the Light Bar Options tab include:

Setting Up Light Bar Doctors

To add a doctor to the light bar and assign colors:

  1. In the Patient Flow Options window, click the Light Bar Opts tab.

  1. In the Light Bar Doctors section, click Add New. A doctor is added to the list in numerical order (Doctor 1, Doctor 2, and so on).

  2. To change the name of the doctor, select the doctor and click Change or double-click the doctor’s name.

  3. Type the new name.

  4. To change a color for a doctor, double-click the color. A palette of 5 colors is displayed.  Select the color you want to assign to the doctor.

  5. To remove a doctor from the list, select the doctor and click Remove.

  6. Click OK.

Setting Up Chairs

To change the number of chairs displayed on the light bar and to edit the chair name:

  1. On the Light Bar Opts tab, in the Chair Setup section, use the drop-down list and select the number of chairs to be displayed. This value is also displayed in the Number of Chairs for Light Bar field in the Charting Maintenance window.

  2. To edit the chair name, double-click the name and type a new name.

  3. Click OK.


Related Topics

Setting Up Display Options

Setting Up Locations

Setting Up General Options

Setting Up Check In Messages

Setting Up the Grid

Setting Up the Welcome Screen