When you select Cancel for a scheduled appointment, you are prompted to enter a cancel type (cancel, break, fail, or delete) and a reason for the cancellation.
The cancelled appointment becomes a pending appointment for the patient, so that it can be accessed from the patient search results and rescheduled without having to recreate the details.
The cancellation details are automatically added to the Notes section of the appointment card, and in the Appointment Audit Log.
Select Delete as the cancel type when the appointment was made in error, such as a duplicate, and you do not want it to be tracked in the Pending List or as part of the patient's appointment history.
You can cancel an appointment from these locations:
When you click on an appointment, the appointment flyout is displayed. Click Cancel. The panel expands for you to select a cancel type and enter a reason. Click Cancel Appointment.
When you use the search field, the patient's scheduled appointments are listed in the flyout. Click the triangle to expand the options, and then click Cancel. The panel expands for you to select a cancel type and enter a reason. Click Cancel Appointment.
Selecting Cancel from inside the appointment card closes the appointment card without saving the most recent edits, but does not cancel the appointment.
Checking the Patient In and Out