Adding Elastics

Using the tooth chart, you can enter information about elastic type, location, and the times elastics should be worn.

When you open the tooth chart, active elastics are displayed.

To add elastics for a patient:

  1. In the Elastics section, click Predefined. The Select Item from List window is displayed.

  2. The Predefined button is also available in the OrthoTrac Point-of-Care module.

  1. Select an elastic option from the list and click OK. The patient chart is displayed.

  2. The software displays a message if you attempt to apply a predefined configuration to a patient that is missing a required tooth.

  3. To define elastics, see Elastics Configurations for more information.

  1.  If the elastic option you want to assign has not been predefined, click <Add New Configuration>. The tooth chart is selected, and elastic information is displayed in the Elastics section.

  2. In the Elastics section, use the drop-down list in the Type field to select the elastic type.

  3. To designate elastic types, see Elastic Types.

  1. Select an option button for the times the elastics are to be worn.

  1. Select the starting tooth and click the left mouse button.

  2. Move the cursor to the tooth to which the elastic connects and click the left mouse button.

  3. Click OK.

  4. You can include as many teeth as necessary in one elastic placement, but you must click OK to complete the placement before you add another elastic.

The elastic placement is displayed on the tooth chart in different colors.

The type of elastics, the tooth location, and the times the elastics are to be worn are shown in the Elastics window.

  1. Click Apply on the Tooth Chart tab.


Related Topics

Using the Treatment Card

Tooth Chart Tab

Tooth Numbering

Tooth Display

User-Defined Combo Boxes

Adding a Zig-Zag Elastic Configuration

Removing Elastics

Adding Band/Bracket History

Removing Band/Bracket History


Adding Elastic Wear Instructions and Extraction Instructions