Defining Treatment Categories

Use treatment categories to group procedure codes into categories, and display appointment tiles in a specified color for each category. This enables you to determine the type of appointment by glancing at the day view, without having to open the appointment card.

The category color is displayed as a solid bar on the right side of the tile for a scheduled appointment.

If more than one category is used for an appointment, the category for the included procedure with the longest default time period is displayed.

To set up treatment categories:

  1. Select Settings > Treatment Categories. The Treatment Categories window is displayed.

  2. In the Categories section, click the plus sign. Entry fields for a new category are displayed.

  3. Enter a name and description for the new category.

  4. In the Treatment section, click to add code ranges or specific codes and types. Each selected code or range becomes an item in the list. Continue adding until the category includes all the appropriate codes.

  5. A procedure code can be associated with only one category. Codes in other categories are not available for selection. If a code or range was added in error, click the red X to delete it, so it can be selected for a different category.

  1. In the Color section, use the arrow to select the color to associate with this category.

  2. Click OK. The category is added to the list.


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