Creating Global Custom Views

When setting up chairs and views for your office, you can create global custom view tabs that can be adopted by particular users who need to see those chairs, so that each user in a large practice does not have to individually create a custom view.

Global custom view tabs behave like location tabs on the Day view. The columns are set and ordered from the Global Custom Views window, and cannot be dragged and reordered from the day view.

To create custom views:

  1. Select Settings > Global Custom Views. The Global Custom Views window is displayed.

  2. Next to Schedule Views, click the plus sign. An empty name field is created in the list.

  3. Enter a name for the new view and press Enter. The newly-named view is highlighted in the list.

  1. Under Chairs/Operatories, use the arrow to select a chair you want displayed in this view. Select additional chairs for this view by clicking Add.

  2. Click Apply to save this view and keep working in this window, or click Save to save your changes and exit the window. Click Cancel to close the window without saving your changes.

To display a custom view:

  1. On the day view, click the triangle on the Location tab. A list is displayed, showing locations and global custom views.

  2. Select a global custom view to add to the day view.

  3. To close a custom view tab, deselect it from this list, or place your mouse over the top of the tab and click the X to close it.

  4. A global custom view cannot be selected as the main tab for the day view, since the Location tab is always displayed first.


Related Topics

Setting Up Offices and Chairs

Defining Production Goals

Defining Treatment Categories

Using the Privacy Display

Defining User Settings

Configuring the Overlays

Schedule Planning

Creating Personal Views