Setting Up Security

When the software is installed, User ID 1 is automatically assigned the name Doctor and the password Doctor12. This user has the highest level of security rights. Only User ID 1 can change security settings and add users. When you decide who will be responsible for creating and maintaining user login information, change the name and password of User ID 1.

To properly set up your security system, you must perform the following:

To access the security windows, select System > Change System Settings > System Security. The Security menu is displayed.


If the doctor has top-level security privileges and uses the computer throughout the day, create a second log-in name with lower-level security for everyday use. Save the top-level login for the times when you need it, and safeguard your data!



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Using the Rights by User List Window

Using the Rights by User Window

Using the Users By Rights Window

Tasks with Limited Access

Enabling System Security

Creating and Modifying User Templates

Adding Users

Editing a User Login

Viewing Users by Security Task Access

Setting Security Overrides

Changing Logins

Changing User Passwords

Recovering a Password Without Exiting SoftDent