Adding Users

You can add an unlimited number of users to the software. User ID 1 is solely responsible for assigning which functions each user can perform.

To add a new user:

  1. Select System > Change System Settings > System Security > Rights By User. The Rights By User List window is displayed.

  2. Press Enter and click Add. The Rights By User window is displayed.

  3. Type a unique user name and the user’s full name in the appropriate fields. A unique user is assigned and cannot be changed.

  4. Click View/Change Password. Type a password between 8 and 15 alphanumeric characters (no special characters) in the fields and click OK. The user can change the password after accessing the software.

  5. If the strong passwords feature is enabled in the HIPAA Options window, the password must meet the criteria. For more information, see Setting HIPAA Security and Privacy Options.

  1. Select the default daybook to display when the user accesses the software from the Default Book drop-down list.

  2. Click the drop-down arrow in the Date of Hire field to select the employee hiring date from a calendar.

  3. Click the drop-down arrow in the Status field to select the employee's overtime status.

  4. If this employee should not use the default pay frequency, click the drop-down arrow in the Pay Frequency field, and select the pay frequency for this specific employee.

  5. See Setting Time Card Preferences for more information about the default pay frequency.

  1. Type the user's Carestream single-sign-on (SSO) account email address in the field. If the user doesn't have an SSO account, type the user's work email address in the field.

  2. Select Enable Mobility if your practice uses SoftDent Cloud and this employee will use the Mobility feature.

  1. Select an option:

  2. To restrict the user’s access:To restrict the user’s access:Select the appropriate category from the left side of the window and select the checkbox next to each task the user can perform in the right side of the window.

  3. To give the user rights to perform all the tasks:To give the user rights to perform all the tasks:Click Select All.

  4. To copy the task permissions from a previously created template:To copy the task permissions from a previously created template:Click Select from Template. The User Template List window is displayed. Double-click the template. The Rights By User window is displayed.

For a complete list of tasks by category, see Tasks with Limited Access.

  1. Click OK. The Rights By User List window is displayed. The new user is displayed in the list.

  2. Click Close.