System Security and HIPAA Compliance > Handling HIPAA Privacy and Security Features
When the software is installed, User ID 1 is automatically assigned the user name Doctor and the password Doctor12. This user has the highest level of security rights. Only User ID 1 can set HIPAA Security and Privacy options for other users.
If you are upgrading from a version of the software prior to v8.0, the login name and password of User ID 1 are the same as the previous Access Level 0.
To set HIPAA Privacy and HIPAA Security options:
Select System > Change System Settings > HIPAA Options. The HIPAA Options window is displayed.
Click Edit.
To enforce strong password protection for all users, select Enable Strong Passwords.
The password must be between seven and fifteen characters long.
The password must contain at least one letter. The password is case sensitive.
The password must contain at least one digit.
The user name cannot be embedded in the password.
The password must not contain the three consecutive instances of the same character.
The password expires every 90 days.
The password cannot be the same as the last two user passwords.
The password can be changed only once daily.
A user is locked out of the software and is unable to login for 10 minutes after five failed attempts to access the software.
To log out each user automatically after the application is idle for a specified amount of time, select Enable Automatic Logoff and type the number of minutes in the (wait _ minutes) field.
To create an audit file that tracks login attempts, select Enable Audit Logging. See Viewing Audit Trails.
To enable the HIPAA Privacy Acknowledgement Notification reminder, select HIPAA Privacy Acknowledgement Notification.
To add a HIPAA Acknowledgment contact, see Adding HIPAA Acknowledgement Contacts.
Click OK.
Click Close.