Handling Reports > Accounting Reports > Running Register Reports
To run a register summary report:
Select Reports > Accounting > Registers > Summary. The Output Options window is displayed.
Select the output and click OK. The Register Summary Report window is displayed.
In the Options section, click the drop-down arrow in the Report Date field to select a date from the calendar.
Select the Roll Indirect Production into the Collection Dr. checkbox if you want to include all indirect sources in the report.
In the Providers section, click the drop-down arrow to select the provider number from a list, or leave the first provider set to 999 to report on all providers.
If you are exporting the report to Excel, the following options are selected:
Place Excel Chart on separate sheet:Place Excel Chart on separate sheet:
Deselect an option if you do not want that type of data to display. If you leave all options selected, the report information is displayed on three tabs in the Excel spreadsheet.
Click OK.
Additional Details:Additional Details:
This report includes every transaction, including dangling transactions.
Report Elements:
FF—Number of patients seen with Flat Fee insurance coverage.
DMO—Number of patients seen with DMO/Capitation insurance coverage.
PPO—Number of patients seen with Preferred Provider insurance coverage.
Medicare—Number of patients seen with Medicare insurance coverage.
Medicaid—Number of patients seen with Medicaid insurance coverage.
No Cov—Number of patients seen with no insurance coverage.
Patients Seen—Total number of patients seen during the specified date range.
Gross Prod./Charges—Total dollar amount posted to charges (codes 61.00-95.89, 97.00-97.89, 99.00-99.89, 100.00+).
Aver $ Per Patient—Net Productions divided by Patients Seen.
Adjustments To Production—Total dollar amount posted to production adjustments (codes 40.00-60.89).
Adjustments to Collections—Total dollar amount posted to collections adjustments (codes 21.00-39.89, 96.00-96.89, 98.00-98.89), including plan transactions.
Amount due to PPO write-offs—Total dollar amount posted to PPO write-offs (code 50.90).
Net Productions—Net Productions = Gross Productions Charges +/- Adjustments to Production - Tax.
Collections—Total collections = Cash + Check + Credit Cards.
Collections %—Collections divided by the Gross Production/Charges for the provider.
Patients Refd Out—Number of patients referred to outside providers.
Running Daily, Monthly, Yearly, or Period Register Reports
Running a Cumulative Register Report