Print Ticket

To print an appointment ticket or school/work excuse:

  1. Click Print Ticket. The Print Appointment Ticket window is displayed.

  2. Select Appointment Ticket, School Excuse, or Work Excuse. If you select School Excuse or Work Excuse, the Time Left text box displays the time the appointment ended. You can edit the time, if necessary, and the time is printed on the ticket.

  3. You can print school or work excuses for past appointments.

  1. Use the drop-down list to select a message to print on the ticket.

  2. Click on the letter icon to change the mode —  portrait or landscape — in which the ticket is printed, if necessary.

  3. In the Printer field, use the drop-down list to change printers, if necessary.

  4. Click Yes to print the ticket.

  5. The patient name, rather than the name of the responsible party, is printed on the work excuse.


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