In the InOffice window, you can perform several functions.
The commands available from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu when using the Enhanced Workspace are:
Clear InOffice:Clear InOffice:Removes all entries from the InOffice window. Patient appointments are not cleared from the Daily Appointments window.
Fill InOffice:Fill InOffice:Displays the Fill InOffice window. Use this command to load appointments for a specific date.
InOffice Add:InOffice Add:Displays the Patient List window. Use this command to select a patient to add to the InOffice window.
Monitor KIOSK Check-In:Monitor KIOSK Check-In:Displays the Monitor KIOSK Check-In window. Use this command to view a list of patients who check in using the KIOSK module. See Monitoring Checked-In Patients.
Check In:Check In:Checks in the selected patient for a scheduled appointment.
eForms > Review eForms:eForms > Review eForms:Click an appointment and select this command to display a list of eForms completed by the patient. This option is enabled only if you purchased eForms.
eForms > Send eForms Now:eForms > Send eForms Now:Click an appointment and select this command to send eForms to the patient now. This option is enabled only if you purchased eForms.
eForms > Resend eForms:eForms > Resend eForms:Click an appointment and select this command to resend eForms to the patient. This option is enabled only if you purchased eForms.
eForms > Add/Remove eForms:eForms > Add/Remove eForms:Click an appointment and select this command to display a window where you can add or remove eForms templates for the patient. This option is enabled only if you purchased eForms.
eForms > Patient Settings:eForms > Patient Settings:Click an appointment and select this command to display a window where you can edit a patient's eForms settings. This option is enabled only if you purchased eForms.
HIPAA Acknowledgement:HIPAA Acknowledgement:Displays the Contacts for window. Use this command to add, edit, or delete HIPAA specific contacts for the patient.
Change Location:Change Location:Notes a patient's movement from the waiting room to the operatory or from the operatory to the waiting room. The patient location is displayed in the LOC column. The text color of the row that contains the patient appointment information indicates the patient location. See Moving Patients to an Operatory and Returning Patients to the Waiting Room.
Check Out:Check Out:Begins the check-out process for the selected patient.
Remove:Remove:Clears an entry from the InOffice window. The patient appointment is not removed from the Daily Appointments window.
Activate:Activate:Activates a new patient that is scheduled for an appointment. See Adding Unscheduled New Patients.
Patient:Patient:Displays the Patient window. Use this command to view the patient record.
Account:Account:Displays the Account window. Use this command to view account information for a patient.
Medical History:Medical History:Displays the Medical History window. Use this command to view the medical history of a patient.
View Appointment Card:View Appointment Card:Displays the Appointment Card window. Use this command to view the procedures scheduled for an appointment.
Transactions:Transactions:Displays the patient Transactions window. Use this command to add and view patient transactions.
Treatment Plan:Treatment Plan:Displays the patient Treatment Plan window. Use this command to view treatment plan procedures that have been entered for the patient.
Electronic Router:Electronic Router:Displays the ELECTRONIC ROUTER window. Use this command to view patient personal and financial information. You can also enter follow up appointments in this window.
Appt. Book:Appt. Book:Displays the Daily Appointments window. Use this command to view, add, reschedule, and cancel patient appointments.
Schedule > Family:Schedule > Family:Displays the Family Recall window. Use this command to select patients in the same family and schedule recall appointments in the Daybook.
Schedule > Patient:Schedule > Patient:Displays the Daily Appointments window for the current day. Use this command to schedule another appointment for the patient.
Eligibility:Eligibility:This command is enabled only if the insurance company allows online eligibility for claims.
Chart:Chart:Displays the patient's chart in the charting module.
CareCredit Integration:CareCredit Integration:Access the CareCredit integration to perform account lookups, complete online applications, and use a payment calculator.
Show Portrait:Show Portrait:Displays a patient portrait.
Create Portrait:Create Portrait:Displays the Video window. You can use this with an attached video device to capture the patient's portrait, or import an image that is already on the hard drive.
Show Images:Show Images:Displays the selected patient's clinical images.
Dental Imaging:Dental Imaging:Accesses the CS Imaging software. This command is enabled only if you use CS Imaging software.
MedVisor:MedVisor:Starts the MedVisor software. This command is enabled only if you have installed the MedVisor software.
Display > Show Balance/Patient Pays:Display > Show Balance/Patient Pays:Displays the Balance and Pat Pays columns in the InOffice window. The patient balance is displayed in the Balance column and the patient estimated payment for the appointment is displayed in the Pat Pays column.
Display > Show Patient Pays Only:Display > Show Patient Pays Only:Displays the Pat Pays column in the InOffice window. The patient estimated payment for the appointment is displayed in the Pat Pays column.
Display > Show Insurance Plan Type:Display > Show Insurance Plan Type:Displays the Ins. Plan column in the InOffice window. The insurance plan types are displayed in the Ins. Plan column.
Display > Show None:Display > Show None:Removes or hides the Balance, Pat Pays, and Ins. Plan columns in the InOffice window.