Adding Unscheduled New Patients

To add an appointment for a new patient in the InOffice window:

  1. In the InOffice window, select Daily Appointment Book from the Options menu or Daily Appt. Book from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu. The Daily Appointments window is displayed.

  2. Select the time slot and select Appoint For New Patient/Account from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu. The New Patient Appt window is displayed in ADD mode. The current date, time slot, and operatory selected in the Daily Appointments window is displayed in the appropriate fields.

  3. Type the patient name and birthday in the appropriate fields.

  4. Select a provider from the Doctor drop-down list.

  5. Type the patient phone numbers in the appropriate fields.

  6. Select an option:

  7. To associate the new patient with a patient referrer:To associate the new patient with a patient referrer:Select the patient from the Refer Pat drop-down list.

  8. To associate the new patient with a doctor referrer:To associate the new patient with a doctor referrer:Select the doctor from the Refer Dr drop-down list.

  9. To schedule the patient for an initial exam:To schedule the patient for an initial exam:Select Initial Exam.

  10. To schedule the patient for an emergency exam:To schedule the patient for an emergency exam:Select Emergency Exam.

  11. To schedule the patient for a miscellaneous exam:To schedule the patient for a miscellaneous exam:Select Other and select a code from the Code drop-down list.

  1. Type any notes in the Notes field.

  2. To add the new patient to an existing account, select the account from the Add patient to an existing account drop-down list.

  3. To update the account record, click Additional Account Info.

  1. Click OK.

  2. Click Close. The InOffice window is displayed.

  3. Click Fill InOffice. The Fill InOffice window is displayed.

  4. Click OK.