eServices > Using the eForms Module
You can view a list of the patients who check in via the eForms-Enabled Kiosk by using the Monitor KIOSK Check-In window. The window displays the patient name, appointment time, operatory, and, if applicable, the reason the patient needs front-desk assistance.
Depending on how you have configured the window, you can display all patients who have checked in using the Kiosk or only those patients who need a HIPAA acknowledgement or who have a check-in TeamTalk note.
The office staff must complete the check-in process for all patients displayed in the Monitor KIOSK Check-In window.
To view the Monitor KIOSK Check-In window:
Select Monitor KIOSK Check-In on the Options menu while in the Scheduler or InOffice windows.
To configure the Monitor KIOSK Check-In window:
In the Monitor KIOSK Check-In window, click Settings and select one of the following:
To complete the check-in process for a patient:
Select a patient in the list and click Complete KIOSK Check-In, or double-click the patient's name. The patient is checked in for his appointment, exactly as if you performed the check-in from the InOffice or Scheduler window.
If the patient has TeamTalk notes or a HIPAA Acknowledgement reminder, message windows informing you of this situation are displayed, and you would proceed as you typically would to resolve the issue.
For additional information about the eForms-Enabled Kiosk, see the eForms online help.