Training the Voice Activation Module

Before you can use the voice activation module to make charting entries, you must log in and identify yourself to the application. This identification helps the voice activation module to understand your speaking style. Each staff member that uses the voice activation software must log in and train the software under his or her login initials.

To train the software to recognize your speaking style:

  1. In PracticeWorks, access a patient chart. The voice activation module starts automatically, and the Voice Activation Module window is displayed in the lower-right corner of the window.

  2. Click User Login to access the login window.

  3. Enter your initials, and then click OK.

  4. Click Options. The Options window is displayed.

  5. Click Train. The first window of the Voice Activation Module Training Wizard is displayed.

  6. Select General word recognition training, and then click Next.

  7. Follow the instructions on each window of the Voice Activation Module Training Wizard. When you have finished, a Thank You window is displayed.


Related Topics

Using the Voice Activation Module

Installing the Voice Activation Module

Adjusting the Voice Activation Module Settings

Using the Voice Activation Commands

Troubleshooting the Voice Activation Module