Getting Started > Customizing Transaction Codes
To edit a dental code:
Select Lists > Transaction codes. The Transaction Code List is displayed, sorted by Code #.
Highlight the first code in the list. If this is one you want to delete, click Remove and follow the prompts. You are automatically taken to the next code.
You can make a code obsolete and re-activate it later by clicking Edit and changing the appropriate option.
To keep the code, click Edit. The Transaction Code Definition window is displayed.
Type the abbreviation. The Insurance code field displays the ADA code.
Type a description if necessary.
Check Inactive if you want to make this code inactive for the time being.
The Code group field displays the number that determines the other ADA codes, if performed on the same tooth number, that clear this ADA code from a patient’s treatment plan.
If the treatment plan calls for a three-surface amalgam on tooth 14, but when the patient is seen it is necessary to do a four-surface amalgam, the three-surface amalgam is cleared from the patient’s treatment plan, because both the three-surface and four-surface amalgams have the same code group. For most ADA codes, the code group number is the ADA code number rounded down to the nearest hundred; for example, 2130 becomes 2100.
If the ADA code should not clear other ADA codes with the same code group, change it.
A resin crown ADA code 2932 and a core buildup ADA code 2950 have the same code group, 2900. But performing a core buildup on a tooth does not negate the need to do the resin crown, so these two should not have the same code group. You could change the code group on the core buildup to 2950.
In the Tx class field, select the treatment class that fits the ADA code.
In the Tooth number entry field, select None if no tooth number is required (as for exams and fluoride), Required if a tooth number is required (as for all fillings, crowns, root canals, and so on), and Optional if you can or cannot add a tooth number with this procedure (as for x-rays).
The Quadrant entry options are the same as for the Tooth number entry, only for quadrants rather than tooth numbers. If either of these two fields is Required, the other must be None.
For the Required surfaces-Min # and Max #, set the minimum and maximum number of tooth surfaces that are allowed. In most cases, they will be the same number, because the ADA code specifies the number of surfaces that are involved.
Some of the ADA codes are for 3 or more surfaces or 4 or more surfaces. For those procedures, put the minimum number in the Min # field, and put 5 in the Max # field. If the procedure does not require or allow a tooth number, both of these fields should be 0.
Select the appropriate options in the list on the left:
At checkout, you can individually select the procedures to be submitted to insurance.
You can enter comments in the Post op/Walk-out statement comments area to print on the walkout statement when the procedure is performed. For example, you might put a message about not smoking for 24 hours on the code for a tooth extraction.
Under Fee information, enter the fees that correspond to the Schedule 1, Schedule 2, and Schedule 3 columns on your printed list. If you use only Fee Schedule 1, disregard the other two fields.
Leave the Default insurance payment % field blank.
Click OK.
Printing the Current Code List
Evaluating and Marking the List
Using the Transaction Code List
Importing and Exporting Fee Schedules
Identifying Super Bill Procedures