Enabling Automatic Logoff

To enable automatic logoff:

  1. From the File menu, select Security > Security options. The Office Wide Security Options window is displayed.

  2. Select Enable automatic logoff. You are prompted to enter the number of minutes you want PracticeWorks to wait before executing the automatic logoff. The default time is ten minutes, but you can set up the software to log off between 10 and 500 minutes.

  3. Click OK.

Automatic Logoff is disabled by default. If Automatic Logoff is enabled, and a user has been idle -- no keyboard events or mouse clicks -- for the configured amount of time, the user is automatically logged off of the PracticeWorks software. The session is locked, and the information on the screen is hidden.


Related Topics

Setting the Office Wide Security Options

Enabling Strong Password Protection

Re-entering the Software When Locked Out

Logon Rules

Login Failures