Using the Patient Information Window

The Patient Information window contains all of the demographic information you entered when first adding the patient and includes an area for ranking responsible parties and insurance companies, and adding additional responsible parties and family members.

The window also includes buttons that enable you to enter additional patient data. If you have configured the snapshot module, an additional module, to retrieve a patient image, a photograph of the patient is displayed in the window. See Using the Snapshot Module for more information.

To add detail to the Patient Information window:

  1. From the patient chart menu, click the Patient Information icon or select Functions > Patient Information.

  2. Edit or update the patient information displayed in the fields by clicking in a field and typing the new information or by using a drop-down list to select an option from the list.


  1. Use the ranking panel at the bottom of the window to:

  1. Use the buttons at the right of the window to add information to the patient chart.

  2. When you close the window, a message is displayed, indicating that one or more items on the screen have changed, and asking if you want to save your changes.

    Click one of the following:


Related Topics

Using the Ranking Panel

Using the Patient Ed. Button

Using the Fingerprint Button

Using the Check-In Message Button

Using the Salutation Button

Using the Referrals Button

Using the Database Button