Confirming Multiple Printed Letters and Multiple Letter Types

You can confirm multiple printed letters and multiple letter types at one time by using the Confirm Letter button on the Post and Print Letters window.

To confirm multiple printed letters and letter types:

  1. Click the Word Processing button from the main menu. The Word Processing menu is displayed. Select Post and Print Letters. The Post and Print Letters window is displayed.

  2. Select each of the letter types you have printed, or click Select All, and then click Confirm Letter. A message is displayed, asking if you are sure you want to confirm multiple letters.

  3. If you click Select All, only the letters that have been printed are confirmed.
    To select multiple letter types, press and hold the Ctrl button and select each letter type using the mouse.

  1. Click Yes. The software makes an entry in each patient’s tracking history, noting that the particular letter has been sent.


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