Item |
Description |
Storage SCP |
AE Title - The AE (Application Entity) title of CS Imaging Server that is used to configure other AE (e.g. PACS, RIS, CS 9600). Use this port to when configuring PACS/RIS. |
DICOM Port - This port is used by CS Imaging Server for DICOM communication between CS Imaging Server and other AE (e.g. PACS, CS 9600). |
Max Associations - The number of simultaneous associations that CS Imaging Server may accept when receiving images via DICOM. |
Accept Compressed Transfer Syntaxes - The type of DICOM transfer syntax that CS Imaging Server accepts. Keep it checked unless retrieved images cannot be reviewed. |
Temporary Data Repository - The temporary folder used by CS Imaging Server to store images received via DICOM before importing to the image repository. |
Remote DICOM Server Configuration
Automatic Transfer Configuration