Storage SCP Configuration

  1. Launch configuration tool from CS Monitor, go to DICOM Setting --> Storage SCP tab and fill in the following.



Storage SCP

AE Title - The AE (Application Entity) title of CS Imaging Server that is used to configure other AE (e.g. PACS, RIS, CS 9600). Use this port to when configuring PACS/RIS.

DICOM Port - This port is used by CS Imaging Server for DICOM communication between CS Imaging Server and other AE (e.g. PACS, CS 9600).

Max Associations - The number of simultaneous associations that CS Imaging Server may accept when receiving images via DICOM.

Accept Compressed Transfer Syntaxes - The type of DICOM transfer syntax that CS Imaging Server accepts. Keep it checked unless retrieved images cannot be reviewed.

Temporary Data Repository - The temporary folder used by CS Imaging Server to store images received via DICOM before importing to the image repository.

DICOM Storage SCP Settings

  1. When all the information has been entered, select Save and the CS Imaging Server will be restarted with DICOM features.

Related Topics

Configuring CS DICOM

Configuring CS DICOM Settings

Remote DICOM Server Configuration

Automatic Transfer Configuration

Configuring CS DICOM on CS Imaging Client

Configuring Acquisition Workstation

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