CS 9600 Electrical Specifications


Type of Electrical Power Supply

100-240 V ~ (±10 %) 50/60 Hz, Single-Phase

Acceptable fluctuation


Apparent resistance of the power supply circuit

0.12 Ω (max)

Permanent absorbed current

1.0 A

Current absorbed during the X-ray emission

10 A

Maximum absorbed power

2.2 kVA

Protection for the power supply system

By shutter release at a maximum current of 16 A and a differential current of 30 mA

Nominal high voltage

120 kV

Maximum corresponding tube current

8 mA

Nominal tube current

15 mA

Maximum corresponding high voltage

80 kV

Tube current/voltage combination for maximum output power

80 kV, 15 mA


Selection of the Load Parameters

kV (in increments of 1 kV)

From 60 to 120 kV

mA (in increments of 25 %)

From 2 to 15 mA


Accuracy of the Load Parameters

High voltage

kV ± 10%

Current in the tube

mA ± 20%

Exposure time seconds

± (5% + 50 ms)


Measurement Conditions


Indirect on the peak kilovolt meter


Direct measurement in the circuit using an oscilloscope

Exposure time

Measurement at 75% of the kV values with peak kilovolt meter



Related Topics

CS 9600 Technical Specifications

Minimum Computer System Requirements

Manufacturer Information

X-Ray Dose Emission Information

User Dose Information

Imaging Performance Information

CS 9600 Environmental Requirements

X-Ray Tube Assembly Technical Specifications