X-Ray Dose Emission Information

Radiation Protection

caution_icon CAUTION:

This device is NOT intended for use on patients who are less than 21 kg (46 lb) (approximately) in weight and 113 cm (44.5 in) in height. These measurements correspond approximately to that of an average 5 year old US child. The use of equipment and exposure settings designed for adults of average size can result in excessive radiation exposure for a smaller patient.

Studies have shown that pediatric patients may be more radiosensitive than adults (i.e. the cancer risk per unit dose of ionizing radiation is higher), and so unnecessary radiation exposure is of particular concern for pediatric patients.

The relevant radiation protection regulation and measures must be observed. Use only approved radiation protection equipment. To reduce patient radiation exposure, the user instructions require that the patient wear a lead apron.

With the exception of the patient, no other persons without radiation protection should stay in the room during an exposure.

During an exposure, the operator is prompted to leave the X-ray room and close the door while keeping visual contact with the patient during acquisition.

If a problem arises and you are required to stop the acquisition, release the exposure button of the remote control or press the red emergency stop button.

Recommendations for the Pediatric Population

Compared to middle-aged adults, children and adolescents are three times more at risk from radiation. You must state and establish that the health benefits of using the X-ray method outweighs the risk posed by radiation. Consider using other methods with similar health benefits that do not involve any, or only low-level exposure to radiation when weighing up the situation.

Medical radiation exposure as part of dental care for children and adolescents must produce sufficient benefits, whereby radiation exposure resulting from X-ray examination is to be limited as much as acceptable within the requirements of medical science (as defined by the ALARA principle).

CS 9600 offers many options that can reduce radiation exposure for adults, and especially for children and adolescents, to a necessary minimum.

Recommendations for Women of Childbearing Age

Prior to imaging, women of childbearing age should be asked if they are pregnant or possibly pregnant. If pregnant or possibly pregnant, the patient should not undergo the exam unless an accredited radiologist from a hospital setting has been consulted to discuss with the patient and operator the benefits and risks associated with this type of procedure along with other possible exam types.


Table 3—Dose Reduction Options

Selecting the Appropriate Patient Size for Children/Adolescents

The two smallest patient size icons represent the exposure values for children and adolescent patients. Both patient sizes are associated to reduced kV / mA values which may reduce the dose related to these exposure parameters.

Child Patient Size

Child Patient Size Icon

Recommended for the child population of between 5 to 12 year old [~ 21 kg (46 lb); 113 cm (44.5 in) to ~52 kg (115 lb) ; 156 cm (61.5 in)].

Adult Small Patient Size

Recommended for the adolescent population of approximately ~ 52 kg (115 lb); 156 cm (61.5 in).


Selecting the Low Dose for a Quick Exam

The low dose imaging mode Low Dose Imaging Mode Icon (for panoramic and 3D modality) and the fast imaging mode Fast Imaging Mode Icon (for cephalometric modality) reduces the dose by minimizing the exposure parameters.



Selecting the Appropriate 3D Modality Field of View for Children/Adolescents

By reducing the Field of View (FoV) for 3D X-ray imaging on children or adolescents, you are reducing the exposed area and this reduces the dose received by the patient. Recommended Field of View to be used for children/adolescent are indicated below.

Standard Field of View Recommended Field of View for Children/Adolescents

















Selecting the Appropriate Cephalometric Modality Field of View for Children/Adolescents

By reducing the Field of View (FoV) for cephalometric X-ray imaging on children or adolescents, you are reducing the exposed area and this reduces the dose received by the patient.

Recommended Field of View to be used for children/adolescents are indicated below.

We strongly recommend that you select the appropriate FoV size according to the size of your patient's head:

  • Especially for children and adolescent patients, use the two smallest FoV sizes instead of the 26x24.

  • Particularly limit the FoV for interceptive treatments made for children below 12 years old to 18x18.

  • To treat adolescents, limit the FoV to 18x18 or a maximum of 18x24.


The CS 9600 provides additional options that help to simplify X-ray acquisitions of children and adolescents:



warning_icon WARNING: The Field of View (FoV) must be selected to irradiate the minimum area necessary for the examination in order to minimize the radiation exposure to the patient.
caution_icon CAUTION: The maximum value of the mass of a patient for the patient seat is 135 kgs.


Related Topics

Panoramic Mode

3D Mode

Cephalometric Mode