Using the Overlays

Overlays focus the view on specific information to enable you to perform a task or access information quickly.

Select an overlay from the top of the Scheduler to view the associated information.

 Confirmation OverlayConfirmation Overlay  Highlights appointments that need to be confirmed by shading those already confirmed.

 Production Goals OverlayProduction Goals Overlay  Displays indicators of a provider's or location's progress toward production goal targets. See Defining Production Goals for more information.

   Default OverlayDefault Overlay  Displays appointment tile information based on user preferences. To apply your preferences, see Configuring the Overlays.

 Admin OverlayAdmin Overlay  Displays information on the tile, such as the patient's age and scheduled procedures for the appointment. To configure how this information is displayed, see Configuring the Overlays.

 Clinician OverlayClinician Overlay  Displays clinical information on the tile, such as medical alerts and scheduled procedures for the appointment. To configure how this information is displayed, see Configuring the Overlays.

   Provider Working Time OverlayProvider Working Time Overlay  Displays which provider is working in each chair and the scheduled hours for the day. Shows all providers by default. Click overlay to display list and select a specific provider.

When an overlay is active, a blue border is displayed around that button.

The Default, Admin, and Clinician overlays are global, so you can only select one at a time.  The Confirmation, Production Goal, and Provider Working Time overlays can be selected in addition to others.


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Selecting Dates to Display

Using the Search Field

Using Notes and Messages

Printing the Schedule

Blocking Time Slots on the Day View