Tracking Patients in the Office
When the InOffice window is initially displayed:
It is blank.
You must fill the window with the scheduled appointments for the current date.
After you fill the InOffice window, a color-coded system enables you to determine the following for each patient scheduled for an appointment on the current day:
Select Change Location from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu to change the patient location from the waiting room to the operatory. After the patient has been seen by the specified provider, select Change Location from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu to return the patient to the waiting room.
Viewing Patient and Account Information
Moving Patients to an Operatory
Accessing CS Imaging Software in the InOffice
Returning Patients to the Waiting Room
Automatically Posting Appointment Procedures
Scheduling Follow-Up Appointments
Clearing Patients from the InOffice Window