eServices > Using the eForms Module
Using the eForms-Enabled Kiosk, your patients can check themselves in and fill out eForms in your office. The kiosk enables patients to fill out forms from start to finish in your waiting room, and it also enables patients to complete and sign forms they have filled out on the Web at home.
If you are not using an iPad, you must use the Topaz signature pad to have patients sign forms. Follow the installation instructions with the pad, and select the Use Topaz Electronic Signature Pad checkbox in the Startup Preferences window before using the pad.
You can run the kiosk in either of two modes:
Kiosk—Displays a sign-in window, which enables patients to access their Welcome page and complete forms. This option is typically used when the kiosk software is running on a desktop computer.
Patients can check in and access their forms up to an hour before and an hour after their appointment time.
Reception Sign In—Requires a staff member to sign in the patient. This option is typically used when the kiosk software is running on an iPad, and a staff member will hand the iPad to the patient.
The kiosk can be used in several workflows:
The front desk staff completes the kiosk check-in process using the Monitor KIOSK Check-In window. See Monitoring Checked-In Patients for more information.
Monitoring Checked-In Patients