Using the Scheduler > Using Daily Appointments and Book At A Glance Windows
Using the Provider Detail Bar
The Provider Detail bar enables you to display a provider’s availability a week at a time in the following windows:
The Provider Detail bar is a grid that displays days and hours. After you select a provider, the color associated with the provider is displayed in the time slots to which he or she is assigned.
Room information is not displayed in the Provider Detail bar.
When you select a slot in the scheduler window, the slot is also selected in the Provider Detail bar. If you click a slot in the Provider Detail bar, the same slot is selected in the scheduler window.
To use the Provider Detail bar, select an option:
To display the Provider Detail bar:To display the Provider Detail bar:From the appropriate scheduler window, select View > Provider Detail Bar. A checkmark is displayed next to the menu item to indicate that the bar is displayed.
To hide the bar:To hide the bar:From the appropriate scheduler window, select View > Provider Detail Bar or click the exit button displayed in the Provider Detail bar title bar.
To move the Provider Detail bar:To move the Provider Detail bar:Double-click the title bar or drag the title bar toward the middle of the scheduler window.
To dock the Provider Detail bar:To dock the Provider Detail bar:Select the title bar and drag the bar to the appropriate side of the scheduler window. When the bar is docked, the hour markers in the bar are aligned with the scheduler window’s information, even when scrolling.
To select a provider:To select a provider:Click Select Provider in the title bar or select a grid, right-click, and select Select Provider. The Provider List window is displayed. The provider’s name is displayed in the Provider Detail bar title bar.
To toggle between the bar and scheduler window:To toggle between the bar and scheduler window:Press the Tab key. When the Provider Detail bar is selected, the title bar is enabled.
To customize how information is displayed in the Provider Detail bar and scheduler window:To customize how information is displayed in the Provider Detail bar and scheduler window:From the Provider Detail bar, select a grid, right-click, and select Properties. The Properties window is displayed. To use this window, see Setting Daily Appointments Window Properties, Setting Book At A Glance Window Properties, or Setting History Appointments Properties.
If you use color scheduling, lunch times are displayed in the appropriate color.