Setting Book At A Glance Window Properties

Using this feature, you can customize the date format, background color and texture, appointment and slot notes border colors, and the fonts and font sizes used in the Book At A Glance window.

To customize the Book At A Glance window properties:

  1. From the Daily Appointments or Month At A Glance window, select Book At A Glance from the appointment or time slot submenus; or select Book Quick Glance from the drop-down list at the top of the window. The Book At A Glance window is displayed.

  2. Select an option:

  3. Click an appointment:

  4. Click an open time slot:

  5. Select Properties > Book At A Glance from the Options section of the Express bar or from the Options menu.

The Properties... window is displayed.

  1. Select an option:

  2. To customize how the date is displayed in the title bar:

  3. To add a background image to the window:

  4. To change the font in which the hour markers and column headings are displayed:

  5. To change the background color for blank time slots:

  6. To change the appointment border color:

  7. To change the slot note color:

  8. To set the selected properties for all users:

  9. To reset the default settings for all users:

  10. To restore the default settings for your user login:

  1. Click OK.