Setting History Appointments Properties

To set History Appointments window properties:

  1. Select an option:

  2. From the Daily Appointments, Book At A Glance, or Month At A Glance windows:

  3. From the Daily Appointments or Book At A Glance windows:

  4. From any window:

The History Appointments Date Range window is displayed. The default settings for the date range fields are January 1 of the current year and yesterday.

  1. Select the starting and ending dates for which to view posted appointments from the appropriate drop-down lists and click OK. The History Appointments window is displayed.

  2. Select an empty cell, right-click, and select Properties. The Properties window is displayed.

  3. Select an option:

  4. To add a background image to the window:

  5. To change the text font:

  6. To show words in color:

  7. To change the background color for each time unit:

  8. To change the line color for each time unit:

  9. To change the line color that delineates each hour:

  1. Click OK.

You can also dictate how hour and minute markers are displayed in the window. See Customizing the Hour and Minute Markers.