Using the Office Expert

The office expert assists you in identifying and performing daily tasks by displaying a user-specific list of important activities and daily issues, and provides quick access to the tools you need to complete each task.

When you log in:

You can access the contact expert:


The Office Expert Setup window:

The description and prompts associated with each office expert item are:





Overdue Accounts

Runs the Account Aging report.

The Account Aging Report Setup window is displayed.

Credit Balances

Runs the Account Aging report.

The Account Aging Report Setup window is displayed.

Statements To Print

Generates a list of statements to be printed.

There are no prompts associated with this item.

TP Accepted, Not Scheduled

Runs the Treatment Plan report.

The Treatment Plan Detailed Report Setup window is displayed.

TP Diagnosed

Runs the Treatment Plan report.

The Treatment Plan Detailed Report Setup window is displayed.

Confirmation List

Runs the Confirmation List report.

The Confirmation List Report Setup window is displayed.

Yesterday's Login Failures

Generates a list of failed logins for the previous day.

There are no prompts associated with this item.

Yesterday's Added Rx Count

Generates a list of prescriptions that were added the previous day.

There are no prompts associated with this item.

Pending Lab Cases

Runs the Lab Case report.

The Lab Case Report Setup window is displayed.

Appointment List

Runs the Appointment List report for a specified date range.

The Appointment List Report Setup window is displayed.

Tickler (Pending Appts)

Runs the Tickler file report.

The Tickler Report Setup window is displayed.

Short Call List

Runs the Short Call List report.

The Short Call Report Setup window is displayed.

Recall (Last Exam)

Runs the Recall (Last Exam) report.

The Recall Report Setup window is displayed.

Missed Appointments

Runs the Missed Appointments report.

The Missed Appointments Report Setup window is displayed.

End of Day Call Backs

Runs the End-of Day Callback report.

The Report Setup window is displayed.

Outstanding Claims (Paper)

Runs the Outstanding Claims By Company report.

The Outstanding Insurance Claims By Company window is displayed. The Include regular claims and Include regular pre-authorization claims options are selected.

Outstanding Claims (Electronic)

Runs the Outstanding Claims By Company report.

The Outstanding Insurance Claims By Company window is displayed.

Outstanding Claims By Patient

Runs the Outstanding Claims By Patient report.

The Outstanding Insurance Claims By Patient Report Setup window is displayed.

Unsubmitted Claims

Runs the Unsubmitted Claims report.

The Unsubmitted Insurance Report Setup window is displayed.

Account BP Missed Payments

Runs the Account Missed Payments report.

The Account Budget Plan Missed Payment Report window is displayed.

Outstanding Patient Referrals

Runs the Outstanding Patient Referrals (Who's Due Back) report.

The Outstanding Referrals List Setup window is displayed.

ePostings Notifications

Generates a list of ePostings payment notifications.

There are no prompts associated with this item.


Amazing Charts Errors

Generates a list of Amazing Charts errors.

There are no prompts associated with this item.


Related Topics

Understanding the SoftDent Task Manager

Setting Office Expert Security

Setting Up Office Expert Items

Running Office Expert Items

Taking Action for Office Expert Items

Clearing Items from the Office Expert