Setting Office Expert Security

To protect sensitive information, you can set office expert security permissions to specify which users can access office expert items.

To set office expert security, locate the task in the table and select the correct system security.


Required Security Setting

View the Office Expert Summary

Show Office Expert Summary

Access the Office Expert Setup window

Access the Office Expert Setup

Specify which users can access each Office Expert Item

Edit Which Users Can See What Experts

Generate the Overdue Accounts report

Run the Account Aging Report

Generate the Credit Balances report

Run the Account Aging Report

Generate the Statements To Print statement


Generate the TP Accepted, Not Scheduled report

Run the Treatment Plan Reports

Generate the TP Not Accepted report

Run the Treatment Plan Reports

Generate the Confirmation List report

Run the Confirmation List Report

Generate the Yesterday's Login failures statement


Generate the Yesterday's Added Rx Count statement


Generate the Pending Lab Cases report

Run the Lab Case report

Generate the Appointment List report

Run the Appointment List report for a specified date range

Generate the Tickler (Pending Appts) report

Run the Tickler File report

Generate the Short Call List report

Run the Short Call List report

Generate the Recall (Last Exam) report

Run the Recall (Last Exam) report

Generate the Missed Appointments report

Run the Missed Appointments report

Generate the End of Day Call Backs report

Run the End-of-Day Callback report

Generate the Outstanding Claims (Paper) report

Run the Outstanding Insurance Claims By Company report

Generate the Outstanding Claims (Elec) report

Run the Outstanding Insurance Claims By Company report

Generate the Outstanding Claims By Patient report

Run the Outstanding Insurance Claims By Patient report

Generate the Unsubmitted Claims report

Run the Unsubmitted Claims report

Generate the Account BP Missed Payments report

Run the Account Missed Payments report

Generate the Outstanding Patient Referrals report

Run the Outstanding Patient Referrals (Who's Due Back) report

ePostings Notifications

Show ePostings Notifications