Initializing the Scheduler

Use the Scheduler Setup Wizard to design your scheduler to best meet your practice needs.

To open the wizard and initialize the scheduler:

  1. Select Wizards > Scheduler Wizard. The first window of the Scheduler Setup Wizard is displayed.

  2. Read the introduction and click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  3. Select an option:

  4. Enable Scheduler:

  5. Enable Color Scheduling:

  1. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  2. Select one of the following:

  3. Default Template to Provider:

  4. Default Template to Override:

  1. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  1. Type the number of days that must pass before an appointment is considered broken in the Broken appointment period field. If a patient does not show up for an appointment or call to cancel an appointment within the specified number of days, the appointment is considered broken.

  2. The Cancel/Broken Appointment Wizard is displayed when you cancel an appointment and reminds you of the broken appointment settings specified in this window.

The default value for this field is 1. Type -1 if you do not track broken appointments.  

  1. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  2. Select an option:

  3. Type the number of copies of the Daily Operatory Schedule report to print in the Print copies of Operatory Schedule field. The default value is 1.

  4. To print or display patient phone numbers on the Daily Operatory Schedule report:

  1. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  1. Select an option:

  2. Display office codes instead of ADA codes on the Day Screen:

  3. Save appointment(s) to history when transaction is posted:

  4. Save slot notes and blocked slots to history:

  1. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  2. To display a message that asks you to log a contact after confirming an appointment, select Ask to log contact after confirming appointments.

  3. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  4. To automatically delete a new patient or account if they fail to show up for the first appointment after the printed Missed Appointments report is generated, select Delete new patients/accounts when printing Missed Appointments Report.  

  1. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  2. To automatically schedule appointments in time slots marked for lunch, select Auto schedule in slots marked for lunch.

  3. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  4. To enable the View Patient Info icon in the Scheduler icon bar when accessing the Daily Appointments window from the Patient List or Patient window, select Show patient information when scheduling from the patient window.

  5. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  6. To enable users to check out patients from the Daily Appointments and Book At A Glance windows, select Enable Check Out feature. If this option is not selected, Check Out on the scheduler toolbar is disabled and you can only check a patient out from the InOffice window.

  1. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  2. Select an option:

  1. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  2. Select an option:

  1. When Enter Missed Appointments into Tickler is not selected, missed appointment information is deleted.

  1. When Remove Colors from Scheduler is not selected, this information is maintained in the Scheduler.

  1. Click Next. The next wizard window is displayed.

  2. Select an option:

  1. Load Previous Values:

  2. Previous:

  3. Finish:

A message stating the scheduler settings have been saved is displayed.

  1. Click OK.