eServices > Using the Automated Statements Service > Using Automated Statements
To generate Automated Statements:
Select Reports > Accounting > Statements > Electronic > Electronic Batch Preview. The Electronic Statements window is displayed.
Select the starting and ending names to include in the report using the drop-down lists in the Start and End fields.
Select from the following options:
Accounts that have been referred to a collection agency, are inactive, involved in a legal case, or have been flagged for exclusion are not included in the billing statement results. The C, I, L, and N user codes are displayed in Exclude Accounts with field by default.
To specify the maximum number of pages to send when using Automated Statements:To specify the maximum number of pages to send when using Automated Statements: Not to exceed and type the maximum number of pages to send.
To avoid the additional page charge for Automated Statements, type 1 to minimize the number of statement pages sent to the clearinghouse.
Click OK. The Electronic Statements List window is displayed and contains a list of the electronic statements that are ready to be transmitted.
Accounts that are more than 90 days overdue are displayed in red text. Accounts that have an invalid address are displayed in blue text. Accounts that have previously had a statement sent to the batch are displayed in green text.
Accounts that have been marked to receive statements online but have no e-mail address are unchecked, are displayed in blue text, and display an INVALID E-MAIL status when selected.
Select from the following options:
To preview a specific statement:To preview a specific statement:
To add an individual note to a statement:To add an individual note to a statement:
Click Send. The Output Options - Electronic Batch Summary window is displayed.
Select the output option for the Statement Summary report and click OK. If you select Print, the Print window is displayed. Verify the printer information and click OK.
The statements are sent to a batch file for transmission. If you click Cancel before the process is complete, the batch file is not created.
In addition to creating the electronic statements, the following reports are generated:
The software prompts you, stating that the statement generation is complete and asking if you want to transmit. Click Yes to launch the eServices program and transmit the statements electronically. If you click No, you must follow the steps described in Transmitting Automated Statements.
Generating Multi-Page Automated Statements