Generating Paper Statements

Whether generating paper or electronic statements, the process consists of two phases:

To preview paper statements:

  1. Select Reports > Accounting > Statements > Paper > Statement Preview. The Paper Statements window is displayed.

  1. To identify the statements to be run:

  2. In the Account Search section

  3. In the User Code section

  4. In the Transaction Detail Setup section

  5. In the Send for amount due greater than or equal to _ dollars field

  6. In the Statement Message field

  1. When you have made your choices, click OK. The Paper Statements List window is displayed.

Tip: Blue text indicates accounts with invalid addresses; pink text indicates accounts with no balances. No statements are printed for these accounts.

  1. Select from these options:

  2. To sort the list by account name, account balance, or amount due,

  3. To exclude a statement

  4. To display additional information

  5. To include a statement note

  1. To view or edit account information, select the account and click Edit Acct. The Account window is displayed. Edit the record and click OK.

  2. Select from these options:

  3. To preview statements for specific accounts

  4. To preview statements for all accounts

  5. To print statements


Related Topics

Setting Preferences

Generating Electronic Statements

Transmitting Electronic Statements

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