To generate electronic statements, you must use eServices. Contact your sales rep for more information.
To preview electronic statements:
Select Reports > Accounting > Statements > Electronic > Electronic Batch Preview. The Electronic Statements window is displayed.
Use the Electronic Statements window to identify which statements are to be sent:
Note: The maximum number of detailed transactions on a page is 25.
Click OK. The Electronic Statements List window is displayed.
Select from these options:
To sort the list by account name, account balance, or amount due
To remove a statement from the list of statements to be sent to the clearinghouse
To view or edit account information, select the account and click Edit Acct. The Account window is displayed. Edit the record and click OK.
Select an option:
Click Send. The Output Options - Electronic Batch Summary window is displayed.
Select the output option for the Statement Summary report and click OK. The Electronic Batch Summary report is printed, and a message is displayed. Click Yes.
The statements are sent to a batch file for transmission. If you click Cancel before the process is complete, the batch file is not created.
In addition to creating the electronic statements, these reports are generated:
Electronic Statements—Provides a list of the accounts that will receive electronic billing statements, plus balance information for each account.
Statement Run Summary—Provides the following information:
Total statements sent
Total balances billed
Outstanding insurance
Amount due
Budget Plan Statements—Provides a list of the accounts that will receive budget plan statements. Also provides the following information:
Annual percentage rate
Budget plan balance
Minimum payment