What's New in 10.0

CS PracticeWorks, version 10.0, includes the following new functionality:

Security and Privacy Enhancements

To facilitate compliance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), the following enhancements are included to improve patient data security and privacy:

Deleting a Patient Record

 To ensure compliance with a patient's "right to be forgotten," PracticeWorks now provides a way to permanently delete a patient's record.

For more information, see Deleting a Patient Record.

CSI 8 Integration

Beginning in version 10.0, the PracticeWorks Charting Module integrates with Carestream Dental's CS Imaging software, version 8 (CSI 8).

Appointment Book Time Tracker

You can now hide the Time Tracker from the Appointment book display.

Select Appt Book > View > Turn Off Time Tracker Line.


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