Managing Patient Accounts > Accessing the Clipboard
The Clipboard’s Page 2 is for the patient’s medical information. To access Page 2, click the button to the right of the clipboard.
Page 2 includes the following options:
Medical alerts: The medical alerts you select for a patient print on that patient’s route slip, and can be used in the Display a message type of response in the Automation Expert.
Pre-medicate with: Select this option if the patient requires medication prior to appointments in your office. Then type the name of the medication. When this box is checked, a small red “Rx” appears in the upper-right corner of every appointment made for this patient, and a reminder pops up when you check the patient in for an appointment, and when you enter the patient’s chart. Also, the text you type on the line under this check box will print on the patient’s route slip, and can be used in the "Display a message" type of response in the Automation Expert.
Preferred pharmacy: Click Select. The Pharmacy List window is displayed. Select a pharmacy from the list and click OK to associate it with the patient's Clipboard.
On recall: This box is checked by default for a patient if it is checked in the recall default. If it is not checked in the recall default, it will be unchecked for newly created clipboards. Recall is the process by which the system uses the date of the patient’s Last recall appointment and the number of months in the Cycle field to calculate the patient’s next prophy appointment time frame. You can remove the patient from recall by deselecting the option.
Deselect this option when:
The patient does not want to be contacted about hygiene visits.
The patient is deceased.
The patient will not return to the office.
Cycle (months): Enter the number of months between recall appointments for the patient in your office. For example, if this patient alternates between your office and a periodontist, and is in your office every six months, then the recall cycle should be six. If this patient is not on recall, you cannot edit this field.
PracticeWorks uses the value in this field when generating recall appointments, recall reports, recall cards, and the family recall reminder.
Recall producer: If the patient prefers a particular recall producer, use the drop-down list to select the producer. If the patient has no preference, select the generic hygienist set up in the system, or the producer that represents the hygiene practice.
Forced recall: To change the patient’s next recall date, type the new date in MMDDYY format.
Last recall: This field displays the date of the patient’s last recall procedure. If you are just setting up your office, type the date in MMDDYY format. This date, plus the number of months in the Cycle field, determines the patient’s next recall due date. The last recall procedure performed on this patient, if applicable, is displayed directly below this field.
Non-Producer and Producer Time Blocks: Enter the number of time blocks, or time units, that the patient needs for recall appointments, divided up between Non-producer and Producer time. For example, if you start each recall appointment with one unit of assistant time, followed by two units of hygienist time, these two fields would be 1 and 2.
Last radiographs: This section displays the dates of the patient's most recent bitewings, panoramic examinations, and full mouth series.
When you have finished entering or retrieving information from Page 2, click Page 1 at the bottom of the screen. Page 1 and the clipboard buttons are displayed.
Importing the Patient's Portrait
Entering the Patient's Insurance Information