Creating a Field Export AutoLink

After Creating a Field Export Document, you must AutoLink it to an Actions button to connect the fields with your data.

To create the AutoLink for your Field Export for Lives With document:

  1. Click Lists > People. The Person Pick List window is displayed.

  2. Right-click Actions.

  3. Left-click Define AutoLinks. The Current AutoLinks for PersonPickListActionBtn button event window is displayed.

  4. Click Add. The Select Response Type window is displayed.

  5. Select Create Document and click OK. The Create Document Response window is displayed.

  6. Click Create a specific document. The Select Document to Create window is displayed.

  7. Select the document you created and click OK. The Create Document Response window is displayed.

  8. Click OK. The Select print time dialog box is displayed.

  9. Click Always print later. The Define New AutoLink – Step 1 dialog box is displayed.

  10. Click Yes, ask each time if I really want this response. The AutoLink for PersonPickListActionBtn button event window is displayed.

  11. Under Response criteria, click the Select button located to the right of Must be at least one of these.

  12. On the Must be at least one of these screen, select who is a Lives With.

  13. Click OK.

  14. To limit the export results only to active households, select the Cannot be any of these option.  Click the Select button to the right of this option.

  15. On the Cannot be any of these window, select the option to the left of "who is Inactive."

  16. Click OK.

  17. Click OK to exit the AutoLink for PersonPickListActionBtn button event window. The Current AutoLinks for PersonPickListActionBtn button event window is displayed.

  18. Click OK. The Person Pick List window is displayed.

  19. Click Cancel to exit the Person Pick List.

  20. To complete your Lives With Field Export, follow the Exporting the Data instructions.


Related Topics

Creating a Lives With Field Export

Creating a Field Export Document

Exporting Data