Creating a Field Export Document

To let PracticeWorks know what information you would like to include in your export, you must first create a document with these fields present.

To create a Field Export Document:

  1. Click Experts > Automation Expert > Responses > Documents. The Document Pick List is displayed.

  2. Click Add. The New Document Type and Base window is displayed.

  3. Select Field export from the Document Type list.

  4. Select Patient Data from the This Document Will Be Based On list.

  5. Click OK. The Document window is displayed.

  6. Type a name for this document in the Document name field.

  7. In the Address to field, select Lives With from the drop-down box.

  8. In the right pane of this window, you will see a list of categorized variables. Click on the plus sign ( + ) to the left of Lives With. You will now see a sublisting of merge fields. Double-click LW first name. The variable is inserted in the left pane of the window, and displays as <LivesFName>.

  9. Double-click on each variable in the Lives With sublisting that you want to include in your Field Export, for example: LW last name, LW Address, LW City, LW State, LW Zip. If you selected these fields, the left pane of the Document window should now display the following:

    <LivesFName><LivesLName><LivesAddr><LivesCity> <LivesState><LivesZip>

  10. Avoid inserting spaces between the variables when creating a Field Export.

  1. Click OK to save your work.

  2. Click Cancel to exit the Document Pick List.

  3. Follow the Creating a Field Export AutoLink instructions.


Related Topics

Creating a Lives With Field Export

Exporting Data