Analyzing Business Rules

Before you define automation events, you should analyze the business rules in your practice. Identify the rules and determine the following for each:

The following example shows how to analyze a business rule. When you have done this for the business rules that you want to automate, you can begin using the Automation Expert.


Determining the Event Category

Determine the event category to identify how to access the Automation Expert and how to link the response.

Defining the Event Description

The event description is the specific event that you want the response to be linked to, such as checking in and checking out, clicking a button, or posting a transaction.

Defining the Criteria

You must have at least one set of criteria defined for a response to occur. The criteria can be as basic as the beginning or ending of an event.


You can add additional criteria, so that only a selected group of patients receive a message. If you want a message to be displayed at check out for only patients with insurance, you can set multiple criteria: a patient checking out and a patient with insurance.

Determining the Response Type

The following list shows some of the response types that are available:


Related Topics

Using the Automation Expert

Creating an AutoLink in Automation Expert

Choosing Specific Responses to Events

Defining Additional Criteria

Using the Document Pick List

Selecting an Event Type