Creating Multi-Language Letters

If your practice has patients, responsible parties, or doctors whose primary language is not English, you can correspond with them in their native language.

The word processing module uses the language field on the patient, responsible party, and doctor record to determine which language text to post.

To create a letter in another language:

  1. In the Letter Setup window, select the letter you want to enter in the secondary language and click Change Letter. The Change Letter window is displayed.

  2. In the Language field, use the drop-down list to select the desired language. The Change Responsible and Change Patient buttons change to Add Responsible and Add Patient Letter.

  3. Click Add Responsible. The Add New Letter window is displayed, with the Responsible Party template selected. Click OK.

  4. Type the letter as you normally would, but in the selected language. Click Save and Close to save your letter.

  5. Click Add Patient Letter. The Add Letter prompt is displayed, asking if you want to copy the existing letter. If you select Yes, edit the copy of the letter and click Save and Close to save your letter. If you select No, type the patient version of the letter in the selected language and click Save and Close to save your letter.

  6. Click OK to close the Change Letter window.

  7. Click Close to exit the Letter Setup window.

  8. Before adding another language text for this letter, you must close and save the letter by clicking OK.

  9. To view or edit the translations for the days of the week, months, and salutations, select Maintenance/Set-up from the main menu and select Form Editor. See Using the Form Editor for more information.


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Using the OrthoTrac Word Processing Module

Setting Up Letters

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