Adding Responsible Party Information

When you add a new patient, you must add at least one responsible party. You can add multiple responsible parties, if necessary.

To add responsible party information:

  1. After completing the Patient tab, click the Responsible Party 1 tab or press the Tab button. The Patient Add Responsible Party 1 Tab window is displayed.

  1. Type information in the fields and use the drop-down lists to select the demographic and financial information for the responsible party. At a minimum, you must complete the First Name, Last, Gender, Relationship, and Financial Resp fields (displayed in red).

  2. You can select Male, Female, or Unspecified from the drop-down list for the Gender field. To include gender-neutral pronouns in letters in the word processing module, the Unspecified option must be selected.

  3. Click the Insurance option to select from a list of insurance carriers for the responsible party. If you enter more than one insurance carrier, click <Rank Ins. Co.> to designate a primary and secondary company.


  1. If necessary, click the Responsible Party 2 tab to add a second responsible party.

  2. Select Options > Add Another Responsible Party Page to add up to two additional pages.

After completing at least one responsible party tab, click OK.

If you have configured the software to enable you to assign patient numbers manually, the Next Patient Number window is displayed. (See Patient Numbering for more information.) Enter the next patient number and click OK. The patient chart is displayed.

If you have configured the software to automatically assign a patient number, the patient chart is displayed. See Using the Patient Chart for more information.


Related Topics

Adding Patient Information

Database Fields

Clearing Information

Family Tree

Add Patient Menu